Bachelor/Master Thesis

SuCo2 group members are supervising Bachelor and Master theses on the interface of sustainable consumption and sustainability communication. The following list shows open topics and completed projects.

Please consult the following documents created by Daniel Fischer for Wageningen University & Research (WUR) if you are interested in writing your thesis with SuCo2 at WUR:

Ongoing Bachelor/Master theses

Open thesis topics at Wageningen University

Open thesis topics at Leuphana University

Completed thesis projects

More topics can be found in the comprehensive list of completed thesis projects.

If you are interested in writing your thesis with SuCo2, please get in touch with a SuCo2 member that most closely connects to your topic. Please make sure with the administration that the SuCo2 member has been approved as a thesis supervisor before you contact them. Also note the for students page which offers e.g. guidelines for drafting a research proposal and preparing consultation hour meetings.